The vision for the school of ministry came out of a burden to equip and empower young and vibrant youth who have great gifts and talents but are not sharpened nor molded appropriately for kingdom service. Some have been misled about the concept of ministry and assume if you have a ministry you are called to be a pulpit pastor. Several erroneous beliefs make vibrant young people waste away and become useless in the agenda of God for their lives.

Many professionals think ministry is only in the church and they cannot extend their God-given gifts and grace to combine with their profession and serve God effectively. Thus, their gifts and grace remain dormant and untapped. The body of Christ must begin to realize the need to train every believer for ministry beyond five-fold calling. The need to equip believers to be able to defend their faith and raise others for kingdom expansion.

“The field is ripe but the laborers are few.” The church must break the box and train more people to dislodge the gate of hell and propagate the kingdom of God, not necessarily mount the pulpit in church. We must be deliberate about going a little further to teach our Sunday school teachers, deacons, HOD, and workers to understand some basic biblical truth and theology that will help them stand out in their Christian race. “Who you do not train, you cannot blame”.

Therefore, TFPAW has taken up the responsibility of training for ministry people that cannot attend the conventional seminaries but have God’s call, gifts, flare and talent for ministry to learn, be equipped, empowered, and deployed to the field for greater harvest. The earlier we raise men, the better it is for the body of Christ.

VISION: Equipping the saint, unleashing the army for harvest.

MISSION: Equip, Empower, Unleash

The SOM will provide basic in-depth knowledge of the bible, which includes topics such as evangelism/mission outreaches, preaching concepts, leadership concepts, bible doctrine, and so on.

The program will run in semesters, i.e., the first and second semester. It will be available on weekends [Fridays and Saturdays]. Each semester will last 6 weeks, of which the details will be communicated.

Attendance is for everyone that believes that he has a passion to serve God and reach out to others. Those that want to sharpen their gifts and experience God anew are expected to register for SOM. Young ministers that want to learn more, leaders in churches and campuses, and workers that want to serve God in various capacities are those we are eager to train in SOM.