Activating The Word

Activating The Word

From the beginning of this month, we started on the topic, Spiritual Discipline, which is divided into different parts. We started with Prayer, where we laid a foundation and understood the dimensions of praying in the spirit and the different kinds of prayers a...
Finding God’s Purpose for Your Life (Part 2)

Finding God’s Purpose for Your Life (Part 2)

God’s calling over your life is not ordinary, it is holy. Never trivialize it because it is your lifeline, your destiny; it is everything you have. You are saved in Christ for a purpose, discover it or else your reward will be lost. Your God-given purpose is...
Partnership in Purpose

Partnership in Purpose

We have come a long way in this purpose series and I have arrived at the understanding that amidst the pursuit of life, there is nothing more satisfying and preserving than the fulfillment of purpose. It is the only thing that lightens our path and gives us direction...
Recognizing Your Purpose

Recognizing Your Purpose

This teaching is a continuation of “Seasons of Life”. There are about four seasons you must go if you will attain the height of your purpose. In the last teaching, we laid a foundation and learned explicitly about the sovereignty of God. He is God and no...
Fulfilling Your Purpose

Fulfilling Your Purpose

As we mark the end of the purpose series, rather than teaching today I will entertain whatever question you have regarding purpose and make a quick recap of our journey so far. We started the journey of purpose with five major questions that you must answer to...